Sulfur Hexafluoride

Chemical formula: | SF6 |
EC number | 219-854-2 (EINECS) |
CAS number | 2551-62-4 |
REACH Pre-Registration № | 05-2114096808-31-0000 |
Notification number | 02-2119708811-43-0000 |
PPEARANCE: in usual it is gas without color and a smell, nonflammable, inert.
APPLICATION: it is used in the electro technical industry as a dielectric, in electron and iron and steel industry – as technological medium. It is used in the equipments of a gas firefighting.
Mass content ofSulphurhexafluoride (%) min | 99,99 | Gas chromatography |
Mass content of impurities (%) max:- oxygen, nitrogen, air (total)
– tetrafluoromethane |
0,04 |
Gas chromatography |
Mass content of water (%) max | 0,0015 | Сoulometry |
Acidity as mass content of hydrogen fluoride (%) max | 0,00003 | Titration |
Mass content of hydrolyzed fluorides as mass content of hydrogen fluoride (%) max | 0,0001 | Titration |
Toxicity | Non toxic | White mice biological test |
APPLICATION: it is used in the electrotechnical industry as a dielectric, in electron and iron and steel industry – as technological medium. It is used in the equipments of a gas firefighting.
The raised cleanliness TU 6-02-1249-83 with changes 1-6 corresponds to demands IEC 60376:2005.
PACKING: cylinders capacity 40 dm3, containers capacity 950 dm 3 and other vessels calculated on a working overpressure not less 1,6 MPA. Factor of filling of a product of1,04 kgon 1 dm 3 capacity of a vessel.
STORAGE: a storage period – 5 years.
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