Virgin Fine Cut – RX grades

Chemical name: Poly(tetrafluoroethylene) (IUPAC)
Structural formula: (C2F4)n
CAS No. 9002-84-0
HS code 39 0461 0000
Fluoroplast-4 grade RX 015 is the perfluorinated resin with an average partical size of up to 24 μm. It has
excellent chemical stability, electrical and mechanical properties. Material is a granular powder virgin fine
cut product designed for usage in small to medium-sized billet compression molding, well suited for thin
skived film applications requiring excellent physical and electrical properties. Fluoroplast-4 grade
RX015 can be classified as type II, ASTM D 4894 standart. Typical properties are not suitable for
specification purporses.
Fluoroplast-4 grade RX 115 is the perfluorinated resin having excellent chemical stability, electrical and
mechanical properties. Material is a granular powder virgin fine cut product designed for use in small to
medium-sized billet compression molding, suited for thin skived film applications requiring excellent
physical and electrical properties. Well suited for blending with fillers.
Fluoroplast-4 grade RX 025, RX 040 is the perfluorinated resin having excellent chemical stability, electrical and
mechanical properties. Material is a granular powder virgin fine cut product designed for use in small to
medium-sized billet compression molding, well suited for thin skived film applications requiring excellent
physical and electrical properties
Fluoroplast-4 grade RX 125 , RX 140 is the perfluorinated resin having excellent chemical stability, electrical and
mechanical properties. Material is a granular powder virgin fine cut product designed for use in small to
medium-sized billet compression molding, suited for thin skived film applications requiring excellent
physical and electrical properties. Well suited for blending with fillers